Pattern Catalog

The Pattern Catalog is a catalog of all labeled patterns from beat saber. The data is being managed by the community.
Do you see missing patterns? Help us out and add the patterns with the /PatternCatalog command in discord with the bot


A Stream Pattern that has the player swing in the shape of an X. The name is due to its shape and being very comfortable, or 'tasty'.



The Stack is a simple pattern where two notes are stacked on each other. In order to hit both notes correctly you would have to do a bigger swing than when you just hit one note.



A tower is a simple pattern that consists of 3 of the same notes stacked on top of each other. Hitting a Tower correctly requires a bigger swing than when you hit single notes.

DD (Double Directional)

DD (Double Directional)

a DD is a pattern where you need to reset your swing direction to be able to comfortably hit the next note. Its a stream of notes that have the same directions.

Loloppe Notes

Loloppe Notes

Two same-direction Blocks placed side-by-side such that hitting both blocks requires abusing the block Hitbox. Named after the mapper who made them famous.

Lefty Stream

Lefty Stream

A straight Stream where each pair of successive Notes going in the same direction starts with the left hand. See also: Righty Stream.

Righty Stream

Righty Stream

A straight Stream where each pair of successive Notes going in the same direction starts with the right hand. See also: Lefty Stream.



A triangle is a pattern that consists of the same note color that together forms some kind of triangle. Because it is a triangle, you would have to reset your swing once in the process to handle them comfortably.



A window is a pattern where 3 or 4 notes of the same color are placed in a line. And the middle part is being left out. A window got his name because it looks like the pattern is creating a window where you can see through.

Bomb Reset

Bomb Reset

Bombs placed to forcibly Reset the player’s swing direction.

Bomb Spiral/Helix

Bomb Spiral/Helix

Bombs placed in a spiral or helical Pattern, intended to force the player to move their arms in a large circle. Referred to as either Bomb Spiral or Bomb Helix.



A note placed on its opposite-handed side. For example, a blue note (right hand) placed in Lanes one or two from left, or a red note (left hand) placed in lanes three or four, primarily when the Pattern forces the player's sabers to "cross over".

Crossover Scissor

Crossover Scissor

A Pattern where a red and blue Note are on opposite-handed sides and are hit simultaneously in opposite directions.



A Pattern of two different colored Notes on the same timing and hit simultaneously.



A rapid Pattern of two single Notes followed by a Double.

Shrado Angle

Shrado Angle

A Pattern consisting of an outward-facing diagonal down Block in a far Lane followed by an up block of the same color in a closer lane, spanning 3 lanes or more. This pattern may cause the player to slash the up block diagonally rather than straight upwards, resulting in either low accuracy or a bad cut. The possibility of this issue occurring becomes more prominent at faster speeds. Named after the mapper who used this pattern in a popular ranked map.



A Pattern of Blocks where the player makes a "scooping" motion to play the pattern. Typically a left or right note followed by an up note in the bottom row.



When a red and blue Note are on the same timing, and are hit simultaneously in opposite directions.



A horizontal Pattern of four horizontal notes of the same color across the grid.



A Pattern that moves across multiple Columns horizontally or Rows vertically in rapid succession. See also: Jump Stream.

Hammer Hit

Hammer Hit

A Pattern composed of an Arrow Block pointing at a Bomb, forcing the player to swing their saber at the arrow block but stopping short to avoid the bomb.

Vibe Check

Vibe Check

Block placement that consists of one or two diagonal up blocks crossed over into the extreme opposite Lane.



A Pattern that remains in one Column and Row for two or more notes in sequence. This typically refers to two alternating colors, but not always.



Notes pointing inwards from the outside requiring a larger pre-swing to hit.

Kizu Double

Kizu Double

A Kizu double is a pattern where both note colors are used on the same beat with a 90 degree angle. Named after a mapper who uses this pattern in his maps.

Nolan Stack

Nolan Stack

Horizontal opposite lane stack with diagonal lead in (not always very good)



A Pattern where a Note's direction points towards the following block. This does not include Notes on the same beat. Can be a potential Hitbox issue when a note is placed in the post-swing of a previous block.






A series of same-colored Dot Notes or Arrow Notes spaced close enough together for the player to sweep a saber through in one motion. The Precision of the blocks depends on the BPM of the song, with higher BPM songs typically using lower precision (e.g. 1/16 precision at 250 BPM) and lower BPM songs typically using higher precision (e.g. 1/24 precision at 150 BPM).



Any Pattern that directs the player's hands inward at each other on the same beat, often leading to the player smashing their hands together.



The WTF pattern is something you don't want to see ever. It is possible to hit but not to score. It is only used to the most tricky maps. The first time you see this pattern you will be like WTF??



A pattern that looks like a penis

Muffn Note

Muffn Note

this is a fucking shrado angle not a muffn note im just a dumbass

I'm going to lose it if this bot doesn't let me exit

I'm going to lose it if this bot doesn't let me exit

Damn bot let me go

arm lift

arm lift

a pattern where you have to lift your arm up to hit



It’s like a sandwhich of notes

Pozdro600 Map

Pozdro600 Map

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