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Stake Matches

What are stake matches?
Stake matches are small 1 vs 1 competitions where both players stake their cards. Instead of trading cards, you can make a staking deal with friends or foes. You can choose your own map and time limit for the stake. The player with the best score at the end of the time limit, will get all the cards! A staking offer can be made with the /tradingcards stake command

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ur pretty - Hit My Spot (expertplus)
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Camellia - Arche (expertplus)
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gladde paling - ochtendbloem (expertplus)
94,9 %
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1What are Beat Saber trading cards?

Beat Saber trading cards are online collectible cards based on the top 1000 Beat Saber players on Scoresaber.

2 How are you able to get cards?

Every day everyone gain 4 packs of Beat Saber cards. One pack is one card. Packs can be opened by using the /Draw command on Discord where the Beat Saber bot can reach the command. Free daily packs are only given when you have 0 cards left.

3How does the rarity system work?

With every draw you will be getting a random number between 0 and 100.000. The lower your 'lucky number' is, the better you rarity category will be. There are 6 rarity categories. Top 10(100), top 50(300), top 100(2000), top 250(20.000), top 500(50.000) and top 1000(100.000). If your lucky number for example is a 66, you will gain a random card from the top 10! All top 10 cards are equal in its chance. Getting a top 10 cards is a chance of 1 in 1000.

4 How are the stats calculated?

There are four stats. Speed, tech, accuracy and stamina. All these stats are based on maps players have played. 200 top maps and 100 recent plays are being taken and looked at. Within these 300 maps the algorithm looks for maps on Beat Saver that are tagged with skills. When a map has been tagged with tech for example, the map will be taken in consideration for your tech stat. The stat is calculated by taking your rank on that map relative towards others. All tech scores will be combined and will be devided by the amount to make a accurate decision. The main stat is the average between all 4 stats. All stats are also heavily based by the players global rank. This is done because otherwise some high ranked players that are skilled at specific stats will be rated extremely low for their rank. This boost is still questionable. Lots of maps currently do not have tags on Beat Saver. This is a new feature. Sometimes there is even no maps with tags in the categorie and that stat will be shown with '?'. The more maps will be getting tags, the more accuracte the stats will be.

5 What does the future of this card game look like?

The plan is to add lots of extra awesome features to make it as fun as possible. Think about trading systems. Pack rewards or maybe even games. The cards are going to be fun for a long time, since all cards are special. You can not get the perfect card. Players stats, badges and popularity changes overtime. That makes it interesting to try to get that Cerret card with the highest stats with a world cup badge... drawn by cerret himself! After long periods of time cards might change layout to be more interesting with even more special effects, hidden features or animated elements. At some point the current cards will become legacy and a new version of cards will be brought out. The legacy cards can still be traded! But you won't be able to get them anymore!'